Akkurat nå står disse bøkene på ønskelisten:

"In "Watching The English" anthropologist Kate Fox takes a revealing look at the quirks, habits and foibles of the English people. She puts the English national character under her anthropological microscope, and finds a strange and fascinating culture, governed by complex sets of unspoken rules and byzantine codes of behaviour. The rules of weather-speak. The ironic-gnome rule. The reflex apology rule. The paranoid-pantomime rule. Class indicators and class anxiety tests. The money-talk taboo and many more ...Through a mixture of anthropological analysis and her own unorthodox experiments (using herself as a reluctant guinea-pig), Kate Fox discovers what these unwritten behaviour codes tell us about Englishness."

"A loosely organized travelogue and meditation on the high plains of Wyoming, Ehrlich's adopted home. While she writes of the ranchers, cowboys, and weather of Wyoming, the real star of this lyrical celebration of Wyoming is the landscape itself. "
"After nearly two decades in Britain, Bill Bryson, the acclaimed author of such bestsellers as "The Mother Tongue" and "Made in America", decided it was time to move back to the United States for a while. This was partly to let his wife and kids experience life in Bryson's homeland - and partly because he had read that 3.7 million Americans believed that they had been abducted by aliens at one time or another. It was thus clear to him that his people needed him. But before leaving his much-loved home in North Yorkshire, Bryson insisted on taking one last trip around Britain, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kindly island that had so long been his home. His aim was to take stock of modern-day Britain, and to analyze what he loved so much about a country that had produced Marmite, zebra crossings, and place names like Farleigh Wallop, Titsey, and Shellow Bowells. With wit and irreverence, Bill Bryson presents the ludicrous and the endearing in equal measure. The result is a social commentary that conveys the true glory of Britain."

Til sommeren skal vi på ferie til Irland for første gang og jeg gleder meg virkelig. For å komme i skikkelig stemning har jeg blitt anbefalt denne artige saken. Omtale:

Til sommeren skal vi på ferie til Irland for første gang og jeg gleder meg virkelig. For å komme i skikkelig stemning har jeg blitt anbefalt denne artige saken. Omtale:
"Whilst in Ireland for an international song competition, comedian Tony Hawks was amazed to see a hitch-hiker trying to thumb a lift with a fridge. Years later, following an alcohol-fuelled evening, he accepted a 100 pound bet that he couldn't hitch around the coast of Ireland with a fridge. This is what happened."
Jeg skal også til Irland! Hvilket område skal dere reise til?
SvarSlettVi har ikke bil, men håper å komme oss rundt likevel...
SvarSlettKillarney, området med den høyeste fjelltoppen (ikke dermed sagt at vi skal opp dit!)
og/eller Galway (Galway Arts Festival 11.-24. juli). Mye uklart enda!