Denne fant jeg hos Migrating Coconuts, og fikk lyst til å lage min egen liste. Svarene er basert på boktitler jeg har lest.
Describe Yourself: Fem tusen kilometer i sekundet
How Do You Feel: Livet er til å holde ut, tross alt
Describe Where You Currently Live: Close to home
If You Could Go Anywhere, Where Would You Go: Dragonworld
Your Favourite Form of Transportation: Siste buss til Woodstock
Your Best Friend is: The witch of Portobello
You and Your Friends are: Våpensøstrene
What's the Weather Like: All the colours of darkness
Your Fear: Jotnens hjemkomst
What's the Best Advice You Have to Give: Bli sint!
Thought for the Day: It’s not about the horse
How I Would Like to Die: Den skarpeste kniven
My Soul's Present Condition: Friksjonar